Sunday, March 22, 2015

Paul Laureano

Name: Paul Laureano
Variety:Tinto CLassico
Year: 2013
Price: $8.95

Winery review: 
Paulo Laureano’s Classico is a delicious blend of the native Portuguese varietals Trincadeira (40%), Aragonez (40%) and Alfrocheiro (20%). This is a full bodied red that reveals all that the terroir of Portugal has to offer. Light cigar tobacco and soft leather present beautifully on the nose. Dark, black fruits fill the mouth, but the wine flows smoothly over the palate, with a good bit of spice on the finish. Pair with spicy, cured meats and hard cheeses.
My review: This was the only one that I actually liked this week. I didn't end up buying it though the reason behind this is while I liked this one the most out of all the collections i still found that I didn't want to retry it after the first taste test. When the server told us that the mix had the taste of tobacco i was at first hesitant to try it but when I did I was happily surprised with a better experience then I thought I would have.

***I did not eat anything with this wine***

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