Sunday, February 28, 2016


Name: Tonnino
Variety: Syrah 
Region: Italy
Country: Spain
Year: 2013 
Price: Regular Price $14 Sale $7.95

Winery review:    

An intense red color. Aromas of violet and blackcurrant enriched by hints of liquorice and black pepper. In the mouth it is full, round, slightly tannic and with a spicy note on the finish.

My review:
This one was a tie breaker for first in my book this week. I really like this one and the Sancerre it to me tasted like I was eating a peice of licorice with pepper and at the same time took a small bit of alcohol and mixed it all at once then it dries out and leave your tongue with just the peppery taste after the little ride ends. I really enjoyed this wine and while I ended up buying a bottle of the  Sancerre since I felt Id want to share that with a few people I feel that if I had a higher budget I would entirely try to buy both of these for drinking with foods. I felt that while the Sancerre needed meat or something with fat to off set its taste this to me felt like if I ate vanilla cake(if I ate cake) would go well together but again I would be willing to drink it alone as well. 

***I did not eat anything with this wine***

Vina Galana

Name: Vina Galana
Variety: Alicante Bouchet
Country: Spain
Year: 2012 
Price: Regular Price $15 Sale $9.95

Winery review:    

From the rare Alicante Bouchet, one of the few grapes in the world with red flesh  this wine has a plush texture carring flavors of brandied cherry and chocolate ganache in this round red. Light tannins and gentle acidity impart a lovely, balanced structure.  

My review:
This one was a bit weird to me honestly. I felt that it was very boring if you could say the taste as a feeling. It had sweetish moments, then kind of an alcohol taste then it was a bit acid and ended. Not saying that it was bad but if I were to guess what wine would taste like not having tried any before I would honestly guess this. It was a inner thought when I drank this one it wasn't bad it wasn't good just a wine. Again its not bad if someone were to ask me if they should buy it to try I would say to do so but to not expect the next big wine to hit your table it was just good like if you wanted to drink some wine randomly and had it laying around.
***I did not eat anything with this wine***

Dom Michel Thomas Sancerre

Name: Dom Michel Thomas Sancerre
Variety: Sancerre Rose 
Region: Loire
Country: France
Year: 2013 
Price: Regular Price $32 Sale $8.95

Winery review:    

90 – Stephen Tanzer
Bright orange-pink. Lively, mineral-tinged aromas of fresh red berries, orange peel and honeysuckle, with a hint of anise building in the glass. Dry and nervy in the mouth, offering vibrant strawberry and orange pith flavors and a suggestion of rose pastille. The floral element comes back on the finish, which lingers with very good spicy persistence

 My review: 
Dear god this along with the Tonnino were my favorite. This one immediately dried my tongue from the sweet wines that were tried before. I like this type of feeling personally I like that it had a fruity/earthy kind of taste that keep my mouth very puckery. It was a bit weird at the end and kind of tasted like the spray cans of air freshener to me personally and tasted like i needed to eat something with it like meat or something to cut away some of the dryness. Like i eat something and drink a sip to take away major tastes from other things if that makes any sense.
***I did not eat anything with this wine***